Special Applications
RGB DisplaysIndoor display, outdoor display, suitable for different pixel pitch.
MiPInterior and exterior automotive display, high-end cinema, studio backdrop, studio virtual shooting, public information/message display, conference/education screen, advertising display, etc.
UVWide coverage of UVB & UVC LED wavelengths, 265~320nm. UVC products are broadly designed in various home/industrial appliances and portable devices, for the use of sterilization and disinfection. They are widely used in homes, clinics/hospitals, offices, public transport stations and entertainment venues. UVB products are widely used in devices for phototherapy for skin disease, pet healthcare lighting and 3D printing curing, etc.
CSPLighting, Display, keyboard backlight, indicator, digital signage, signal lamp, logo sign, etc., Use in ultra-high density and super miniature consumer electronic products.
Infrared SensingGesture recognition, closed circuit TV system, access control, infrared surveillance security.
AutomotiveHighly reliable automotive lighting.
Horticulture LightingUse for interior and exterior landscape lighting.
LaserUsed for optical fiber communication, optical disc head, spectrum analyzer, laser scanning, laser projection, laser TV, laser therapy, laser surgical incision, medical cosmetology, metal cutting and laser welding.